(9/09/17) GreenEarth Heritage Foundation Visit

Over the weekend, I took a trip to the GreenEarth Heritage Foundation, a farm and reforestation site located in San Miguel, Bulacan. The trip to the area took a grueling 4 hours, and as I and the team that I had assembled were required to be in the morning, we were forced to wake up at four in the morning to make it in time, even having to cross a lake to do so. However, all of the exhaustion from traveling faded away when I met the kids, who were so welcoming of my team and I. Once my team and I got to the library, we immediately set up and executed our program, which consisted of singing and dancing, a getting-to-know-you activity, and games. We concluded the program by giving out goody bags filled with school supplies and food and proceeded to head home, fatigued but fulfilled.

LO2 – Is willing to become involved in unfamiliar
environments and situations

It was my first time to work with the foundation and to visit the area, so making the plan was a bit of a challenge since I didn’t know what to expect. However, I created a flexible plan and was able to successfully carry it out in the location.

LO3 – Shows initiative by launching a new idea or process; Suggests creative ideas, proposals or solutions

I bumped into this organization on the internet, and decided that I wanted to do something to help, creating an original program to do so.

LO6 – Develops awareness and responsibility towards a
shared humanity

During my time in this foundation, I became aware of the living conditions and way of life of the kids living in the area and of their respective parents.

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